This was left out of the US edition, I'm not sure why, so for those on this side of the pond who feel its absence, here it is.
At the end there is a supplement to the published bibliography, a pictorial list of selected postpunk-related titles that were published after Rip It Up came out, in the form of scans of the front covers. All recommended reading.
Albiez, Sean. “Senseless Acts of Beauty & Despair: Proto-Punk to Post-Punk”. Paper presented at the No Future Conference, University of Wolverhampton, 22nd September 2001. Published as 'Know History! John Lydon, cultural capital and the prog/punk dialectic' in Popular Music. Vol 22. No 3. November 2003. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Azerrad, Michael. Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991. Boston: Little Brown, 2001.
Ballard, J.G. The Drowned World. London: Gollancz, 1963
Ballard, J.G. The Atrocity Exhibition. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd 1970
Ballard, J.G. Crash. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Girous, 1973
Ballard, J.G. Concrete Island. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd 1974
Ballard, J.G. High Rise. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd 1975
Ballard, J.G. Low-Flying Aircraft. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd 1976
Ballard, J.G. The Unlimited Dream Company. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd 1979
Ballard, J.G. The Best Short Stories of J.G. Ballard. New York: Picador USA, 2001.
Bangs, Lester. “The White Noise Supremacists.” Originally Village Voice, April 30th 1979. Reprinted in Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung by Lester Bangs, ed. Greil Marcus. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.
Benson, Richard (ed). Night Fever: Club Writing in The Face 1980-1997. London: Boxtree, 1997.
Blush, Steven. American Hardcore: A Tribal History. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2001.
Bowman, David. This Must Be The Place: The Adventures of Talking Heads in the 20th Century. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.
Bracewell, Michael. England is Mine: Pop Life in Albion from Wilde to Goldie. London: HarperCollins, 1997.
Bradbury, Malcolm. The History Man. New York, Penguin, 1975.
Bromberg, Craig. The Wicked Ways of Malcolm McLaren. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Burchill, Julie and Parsons, Tony. The Boy Looked at Johnny: The Obituary of Rock and Roll. London: Pluto Press, 1980.
Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. London: Heinemann, 1962
Carducci, Joe. Rock and the Pop Narcotic. Los Angeles: 2.13.61 Press, 1994.
Cavanagh, David. The Creation Records Story: My Magpie Eyes are Hungry for the Prize. London: Virgin Publishing, 2000.
Christgau, Robert. “A Real New Wave Rolls Out of Ohio”. Village Voice, April 17 1978.
Cooper, Mark. Liverpool Explodes! London: Sidgwick and Jackson Limited., 1982
Cope, Julian. “Tales From the Drug Attic”, New Musical Express, December 3, 1983
Cope, Julian. Head-On: Memories of the Liverpool Punk Scene and the Story of Teardrop Explodes (1976-82). London: Thorsons, 1994.
Curtis, Deborah. Touching from a Distance: Ian Curtis and Joy Division. London: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Cutler, Chris. “The Residents”. In File Under Popular: Theoretical and Critical Writings On Music. (London: RER Megacorp, 1991)
Doyle, Tom. The Glamour Chase: The Maverick Life of Billy Mackenzie. London: Bloomsbury, 1998.
Du Noyer, Paul. Liverpool: Wondrous Place, Music from Cavern to Cream. London: Virgin Books, 2002.
Dwyer, Simon. “Genesis P-Orridge and the Temple of Psychic Youth (From A to Z and Back Again)”. In Dwyer, Simon (ed) Rapid Eye. Brighton: R.E. Publishing, 1989.
Eden, Kevin S. Wire: Everybody Loves A History. Wembley: SAF, 1991.
Fish, M. and Hallbery, D. Cabaret Voltaire: The Art of the Sixth Sense. Harrow: SAF, 1989.
Flowers, Claude. New Order + Joy Division: Dreams Never End. (London: Omnibus, 1995)
Ford, Simon. Wreckers of Civilisation: The Story of COUM Transmissions & Throbbing Gristle. London: Black Dog Publishing, 1999.
Frith, Simon. “A Different Drum”/Consuming Passions column. Melody Maker, March 31st 1979. Reprinted in Frith, Simon. Music for Pleasure. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988.
Frith, Simon. “The Coventry Sound--The Specials”. Originally, New Society, 1980. Reprinted in Frith, Simon. Music for Pleasure. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988.
Frith, Simon. “Whistling In The Dark” Originally published in Village Voice, 1984. Reprinted in Frith, Simon. Music for Pleasure. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988.
Frith, Simon. “Making Sense of Video: Pop Into the Nineties”. Reprinted in Frith, Simon. Music for Pleasure. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988.
Frith, Simon. “Frankie Said: But what did they mean?” In Consumption, Identity, & Style. Ed. Alan Tomlinson, (London: Routledge, 1990)
Frith, Simon and Horne, Howard. Art into Pop. London: Methuen, 1987.
Frith, Simon, Goodwin, Andrew, and Grossberg, Lawrence. (eds). Sound & Vision: The Music Video Reader. London: Routledge, 1993.
Gans, David. Talking Heads: The Band & Their Music. New York: Avon, 1979.
Gendron, Bernard. Between Montmartre and the Mudd Club: Popular Music and the Avant-Garde. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Gill, Andy. “This Week’s Leeds--Sheffield, Yorks”. New Musical Express, September 9th 1978.
Gill, Andy. “This Week’s Sheffield: Sheffield”. New Musical Express, September 8th 1979.
Gill, Andy. “Synthpop” two-part special, New Musical Express, January 5th and January 12th, 1980.
Gimarc, George. Punk Diary, 1970-1979. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994)
Gimarc, George. Post Punk Diary 1980-1982. (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1997)
Goodwin, Andrew. Dancing in the Distraction Factory: Music Television and Popular Culture. Minneapolis: university of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Graham, Dan. Rock My Religion: Writings and Art Projects 1965-1990. (Boston: MIT Press, 1993)
Green, Malcolm, editor. Brus, Muehl, Nitsch, Schwarzkogler: Writings of the Vienna Actionists. London: Atlas Press, 1999.
Gross, Axel. Brian Eno interview, East Village Eye, Summer 1981.
Hager, Steven. Art After Midnight: The East Village Scene. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986
Harron, Mary. “Dialectics Meets Disco” (Gang of Four/Mekons). Melody Maker, May 26 1979.
Haslam, Dave. Manchester, England: The Story of the Pop Cult City. London: Fourth Estate, 1999.
Hebdige, Dick. Cut’N’Mix: Culture, Identity and Caribbean Music. London: Methuen, 1987.
Hebdige, Dick. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Routledge, 1987.
Henderson, Dave. “Wild Planet” (survey of industrial music culture worldwide) Sounds, May 7th 1983.
Heylin, Clinton. Public Image Limited: Rise/Fall. (London: Omnibus, 1989)
Heylin, Clinton, editor. The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing. New York: Viking, 1992.
Hill, Dave. Designer Boys & Material Girls: Manufacturing the ‘80s Pop Dream. Dorset: Blandford Press, 1986.
Hoberman, J.. “No Wavelength: The Para-Punk Underground” (feature on the New Cinema) Village Voice, May 21 1979
Hoskyns, Barney. “Pleasure Heads Must Burn” (Birthday Party interview/aesthetic manifesto). New Musical Express, October 17th 1981.
Hoskyns, Barney. Feature on The Fall. New Musical Express, November 14th 1981
Hoskyns, Barney. Scritti Politti feature. New Musical Express, October 31 1981.
Hoskyns, Barney. Echo & the Bunnymen feature. New Musical Express, February 20th 1982.
Johnson, Phil. Straight Outta Bristol: Massive Attack, Portishead, Tricky and the Roots of Trip-Hop. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1996.
Lydon, John. No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs: The Authorized Autobiography of Johnny Rotten. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1993.
MacKinnon, Angus. Jah Wobble interview. New Musical Express. February 9th, 1980.
Marcus, Greil. Ranters & Crowd Pleasers: Punk in Pop Music, 1977-92. Also titled In The Fascist Bathroom. New York: Doubleday, 1993.
Marsh, Dave. “It’s Like That: Rock & Roll on the Home Front.” In The First Rock & Roll Confidential Report: Inside the Real World of Rock & Roll by Dave Marsh et al.. New York: Pantheon, 1985.
Marshall, George. The Two Tone Story. Argyll: S.T. Publishing, 1993.
Marwick, Arthur. British Society Since 1945. Middlesex: Penguin, 1982.
McCready, John. “On the Passage of a Few Persons Through A Rather Brief Period of Time--the Real Factory Records Story”. Dazed and Confused, January 2002.
McCullough, Dave. Specials interview. Sounds, April 7th 1979.
McGrath, Tom. MTV: The Making of a Revolution. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1996.
McNeil, Kirsty. “Sound of Young Scotland”, New Musical Express, May 9 1981.
Mercer, Mick. Hex Files: The Goth Bible. New York: Overlook Press, 1996.
Middles, Mick. From Joy Division to New Order: The True Story of Anthony H. Wilson and Factory Records. London: Virgin Books, 2002.
Morley, Paul. “New Pop UK.” In The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing by Clinton Heylin (ed). New York: Viking, 1992.
Morley, Paul. ABC, Essential Bop, Restricted Code feature package/New Pop manifesto. New Musical Express, December 20 1980.
Morley, Paul. “Who Bridges the Gap between the Record Executive and the Genius? Me”. New Musical Express, February 18th 1984.
Morley, Paul. Ask: The Chatter of Pop. London: Faber and Faber, 1986
Morley, Paul, and Adrian Thrills. Independent Labels feature. New Musical Express, September 1st 1979.
Neal, Charles. Tape Delay. Middlesex: SAF, 1987.
Neupert, Richard. A History of the French New Wave Cinema. (Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002)
North, Richard. “Positive Punk”. New Musical Express, February 19 1983
Panebianco, Julie. Keith Levene interview, New Musical Express, November 12 1983.
Parker, James. Turned On: A Biography of Henry Rollins. London: Phoenix House, 1998.
Parsons, Tony. ‘The Five Vegetables of The Apocalypse” (Devo interview). New Musical Express, July 8th 1978.
Pearce, Kevin. Something Beginning with O. London: Heavenly, 1994.
Penman, Ian. Vital Signs: Music, Movies and Other Manias. London: Serpent’s Tail. 1998.
Polk Museum of Art. Mekons United. London: Ellipsis, 1996
P-Orridge, Genesis et al. Painful but Fabulous: The Lives & Art of Genesis P-Orridge. New York: Soft Skull Shortwave, 2002.
Pressler, Charlotte. “Those Were Different Times: A Memoir Of Cleveland Life, 1967-1973 (Part One)”. 1978. Published originally in CLE 3A. Available online
Rimmer, Dave. Like Punk Never Happened: Culture Club and the New Pop. (London: Faber and Faber, 1985)
Roeser, Steve. “Meat Puppets: Swimming In A Lake of Fire”. Goldmine, ApriL 28 1995.
Ross, Alaska. The Story of A Band Called The Human League. New York: Proteus Publishing, 1982.
Ross, Tim. “Something Like A Phenomenon: The 99 Records Story”. Tuba Frenzy, #4, 1998.
Savage, Jon. England’s Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock and Beyond. New York: St Martins Griffin, 2002.
Savage, Jon. Time Travel: Pop, Media and Sexuality, 1977-96. London: Chatto & Windus, 1996.
Savage, Jon. “Overload and Heaven Sent: An interview with Martin Hannett, 29th May 1989”, Vagabond #1, 1992.
Sked, Alan and Cook, Chris. Post-War Britain: A Political History. Middlesex: Penguin, 1984.
Sontag, Susan. “Godard” in Styles of Radical Will (London: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1969)
Spitz, Marc and Mullen, Brendan. We Got the Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001.
Stathis, Lou. Ultravox/John Foxx two part feature. Heavy Metal, March and April, 1980
Sutcliffe, Kevin. “Frankie, the Full Story”. The Face, December 1984.
Tamm, Eric. Brian Eno: His Music and the Vertical Color of Sound. London: Faber and Faber, 1989.
Thrills, Adrian and Morley, Paul. “Don’t Walk Away in Silence” Ian Curtis obituary. Originally New Musical Express, June 14th 1980. Reprinted in The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing by Clinton Heylin (ed). New York: Viking, 1992.
Unterberger, Richie. Unknown Legends of Rock’n’Roll. (San Francisco: Miller Freeman Books, 1998)
Vale, V (ed). Search and Destroy #7-11 The Complete Reprint. San Francisco: V/Search, 1997.
Vale, V (ed). Re/Search Industrial Culture Handbook. San Francisco: Re/Search, 1983.
Vale, V (ed). Re/Search #4/5:William S. Burroughs/Throbbing Gristle/Brion Gysin. San Francisco: Re/Search, 1982.
Vale V and Andrea Juno (eds). Re/Search #8/9: J.G. Ballard. San Francisco: Re/Search, 1984.
Various, Sounds “New Musick” two part feature package (writers including Jon Savage, Jane Suck, Vivien Goldman, Sandy Robertson, Davitt Sigerson et al). Part One November 26 1977; Part Two December 3 1977.
Various, Rolling Stone “England Swings” Special Issue (writers including Kurt Loder, Parke Puterbaugh, Red Saunders, Peter York, James Henke, David Montgomery). Issue no. 408, November 10th 1983.
Vermorel, Fred. Vivienne Westwood: Fashion, Perversity, and the Sixties Laid Bare. New York: Overlook Press, 1996.
Walsh, Steve. Subway Sect interview, ZigZag, September 1977
Walsh, Steve. Pop Group interview, ZigZag No. 83 April/May 1978
Idris Walters, “Is Northern Soul Dying On Its Feet?”, Street Life, 15-28 November 1975. Reprinted in Kureishi, Hanif and Jon Savage, ed. The Faber Book of Pop. (London: Faber & Faber, 1995).
Warner, Timothy. Pop Music—Technology and Creativity: Trevor Horn and the Digital Revolution. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2003.
Whitehead, Phillip. The Writing on the Wall: Britain in the Seventies. London: Michael Joseph Limited, 1986.
Widgery, David. Beating Time: Riot’n’Race’n’Rock’n’Roll. London: Chatto and Windus, 1986.
Willett, John (ed and trans). Brecht on Theatre. New York: Hill and Wang, 1964.
Winders, James A. “Reggae, Rastafarians and Revolution: Rock Music in the Third World”, reprinted in Reggae, Rasta, Revolution: Jamaican Music from Ska To Dub, ed. Chris Potash (London: Books With Attitude, 1997).
Wolcott, James. “A Conservative Impulse In the New Rock Underground”. Originally Village Voice, summer 1975. Reprinted The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing by Clinton Heylin (ed). New York: Viking, 1992
Zerbib, Patrick. “Situation Vacant” PiL feature. Originally The Face, 1983. Reprinted in The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing by Clinton Heylin (ed). New York: Viking, 1992.
The richest research resource is the music press of the period. In the UK, that means the weekly rock papers (New Musical Express, Sounds, Melody Maker, Record Mirror), monthly magazines (The Face, ZigZag), irregular magazines (Collusion) and fanzines (Jamming, Sniffin’ Glue, City Fun, Vague, Ten Commandments, Gunrubber, ad infinitum). In America, more than the national rock magazines, the most intensive contemporary coverage occurred in the music sections of city-based alternative weeklies (East Village Eye, SoHo Weekly News, Village Voice), in publications located somewhere between professional and amateur (Search and Destroy and its successor magazine Re/Search, Forced Exposure). Heavy Metal (not about the rock genre but a science fiction magazine) had an adventurous music section for a couple of years in the early Eighties thanks to columnist Lou Stathis. Eluding my search but reputedly of use: New York Rocker, Flipside, NO, Trouser Press, and Slash.
There’s too many postpunk related sites to list here (and most can be found by Googling a specific artist) but one particularly notable general-music webmagazine is Perfect Sound Forever ( which has built up a substantial archive of extensive interviews with postpunk figures--Keith Levene, Pylon, the list is endless and ever-growing.

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